Saturday, June 5, 2021

An ode to the bench


‘An Ode to the Bench’


(Source: Shutterstock images)

 Oh Bench!  bright and shiny at first

But with years, dusty and shaky.

Scribblings of hearts, names, sums and marks

You have to bear all the follies of the young heart!

 Always choked up with books

And paper chits passed on as pranks.

Someone spills water and you are dripping wet

Someone sick throws up on poor you!

 In the Break , the girls gossip by

They say walls have ears

Don’t they know ,benches too ?

Shh…A secret just  between you and me.

 Weary kids droop and doze off till the next class

Restless feet during boring lectures kick  poor you!

When will they be freed  from  this torture,

And you from their kicks?

The bell rings and the kids flee

To their new found liberty!

They bang their bags and play upbeat drums

And you are left in your solitude, awaiting another school day…


It's been a long time since many of us went to school or maybe years, if you have graduated ! I have written a poem reminiscing school days in the praise of benches.

*The review or any part can not be published without permission or else strict action would be taken. 


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