Sunday, July 11, 2021

A conversation I won't forget

A conversation I won’t forget’

(Characters- Future me and Past me)

Past me: “Are you my look-alike? But you seem a little older than me…”

Future me: “I am your future self.”

Past me: (Astonished) “This must be one of those weird dreams I can’t comprehend.”

Future me: “This is not a dream. I am real. I got here by time machine.”

Past me: “Woah, that’s so cool! I want to time travel too.”

Future me: “Yeah, you will because I am...”

Past me: “What brings you here? Is it a deep yearning to be young again?”

Future me: “Wait a minute. What makes you think that I’m old? I’m 22 and it’s you who’re a tiny kid.”

Past me: “I’m not a tiny kid. Anyways, why have you come here to bother me?”

Future me: “(laughing) Oh! I used to be such a hot head. Well, what was I saying?”

Past me: You’re so forgetful.

Future me: “As if you aren’t.

Past me: “That’s true. But I thought I would change.”

Future me: “Change can’t happen just like that. Have you worked for it?”

Past me: “Hmmm…You are preachy.”

Future me: “I have every right to be.”

Past me: “I wouldn’t want to grow up to be like you. No offense.”

Future me: “None taken. Now I pity our parents.”

Past me: “Why?”

Future me: “It must be difficult to deal with your tantrums.”

Past me: “You are bossy. That makes me wonder how your boss tolerates you.”

Future me: “I am a boss myself.”

Past me: “Oh! What is your job?”

Future me: “I can’t disclose that.”

Past me: “Which college did you get into?”

Future me: “Confidential.”

Past me: “Please! I am dying to know.”

Future me: “Would there be any fun in life if you knew everything?”

Past me: (thinking) “I don’t reckon that there would be.”

Future me: “That was what I want you to know.”

Past me: “Last question-Do you have a boyfriend…Is he nice?”

Future me: “(blushing) Well, you won't budge after all...’”

Past me: “Hey, you are fading!”

Future me: “Oh no, I'm running out of time...But you’ll know someday.”

Past me: “I hope so. Any advice? You won't run short of that, will you?”

Future me: (laughing)“Work hard and you’ll achieve what you want. That's cliched, isn't it?”

Past me: “It is. ”

Future me: “ But there must be some truth in it. Au revoir!”

Past me: “Oh, Bye! I would be able to speak French!”

Future me: “If you start learning it now!”

Past me: “I think I'll try.”

Future me: “ Très Bien!”

*No part of the write-up can be copied. If done, strict action against the plagiariser would be taken. 


  1. Wel done sayee ..keep it up....

  2. Very well conversation , it shows we have always opportunity to fulfill our dreams but at d end we all sometimes mis a little strength.. deeply written by a poet... keep it up..

  3. Very nice write up Sayee , lively and engaging. Keep the good work up.


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