Saturday, June 12, 2021

Poem : Restless



How stifled I feel

Sitting all day long

In these claustrophobic four walls.

The teacher goes on and on,

With her monotonous monologue

And drowns us in a flood of information

All I do is kick the table

Frustrated, shift my gaze

Away from the laptop screen…

Through the open window,

I stare at the boundless blue

There are some fluffy cotton balls

Drifting like dreamy boats

And then disappearing into the mist

Somewhere far out of sight

They can go where they want.

They can fly as much as they want.

Oh, how envious I am!

Why can’t I run and romp about

Just like I did

When I was a kid?

Those young days are nothing

But distant faded memories

I may be caged

But my friend, not my pen!


 *The review or any part can not be published without permission or else strict action would be taken. 



  1. This is very well penned and beautifully expressed. The emotional build throughout the piece is nicely done. It truly portrays the current situation.
    Can't believe that this is written by a 14 year old girl!!!

    1. Thank you so much! I am glad that you enjoyed my little poem!

  2. Very beautiful Sayee. Emotions so well and creatively expressed. Keep it up.

    1. I will surely keep it up ! Thank you for your kind words!


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