Sunday, February 12, 2023

'This Distance'


‘This Distance’


How those eyes yearn!

Just to catch a glimpse

Even if it’s for a fleeting moment

It’d mean so much to her.


Through the dusk and through the dawn

She thinks of the words she’d say

But when he appears in front her,

The words that are her world

Seem to abandon her.


What is she to do?

Lifting her pen,

She decides to tell him once and for all

The anguish only he’s responsible for.


The wistfulness of his smile

The tenderness in his voice

Makes her blush

The deep blush of first love…


A part of her wants to say it out loud

But she’s afraid

To bridge this distance between them;

As it’s this distance that breathes life into her dreams.


Perhaps to him, she’s just someone

 Someone who shall fade away

In the ravages of time

But to her, he’ll always be a poem…


Shrouded in an unsolvable mystery,

An unfathomable depth in his eyes,

She tries to decipher whenever they meet

Even if it’s for a fleeting moment.


 Sand art credits: Khulta kali khulena 


-Sayee Bhakare 

PS: Sorry it's been so much time since I posted anything on the blog. With valentine's day just round the corner, I decided to write a  short poem on the dilemma we often experience about confessing our feelings to someone. I hope you all find it relatable. 

I'd love to hear what you think! You can write down your thoughts in the comments section below. 

Any part of this write-up can't be republished. 






1 comment:

  1. it was really cool how the language you used at the end was mirroring what you said in the beginning but reversed, showing how the power dynamic you began with had flipped


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