Sunday, June 27, 2021

Poem: Scribbling



With a pen and a book,

I scribbled what I could.

Still, I needed something more

Chewing the end of my pen,

I figured it out- inspiration!

But where, when and how to find it?

Those were the questions

I couldn’t find an answer to…


My paper was carried away

By the naughty gust of wind.

I ran behind it

Alas! It was too swift for me!

What to do now?

Though the sheet was blank,

I just wanted it back.

I was being unnecessarily adamant, you’d say

Well, as if I didn’t know that!


Dejected, I sat

And looked up at the blue sky.

Sometimes clear and sometimes cloudy.

In my pensive mood, I reflected

Sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter...

Isn't that what life is?

I found what I had been looking for

And I scribbled that down.

 * No part of the poem can be copied or republished. If done so, strict action would be taken.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

My thoughts on 'Whisper of the Heart'


My thoughts on ‘Whisper of the Heart’

(1995 Movie poster)

Whisper of the Heart is a coming-of-age story. Living in the suburbs of Tokyo, 14-year-old Shizuku is a budding poet and an avid reader. She often wonders about a mysterious guy named Seiji Amasawa who has checked out all her favourite books.

She encounters a pesky boy who dismisses her lyrical adaptation of ‘Country Roads’ as ‘corny’. Even though their first meeting is not-so-good, over the course of the movie, they bond over books and become good friends. 

Seiji aspires to become a professional violin maker. Shizuku contemplates on the fact that she hasn't been doing much to chase her dreams. She has an epiphany and decides to write a novel.

Whisper of the Heart captures the journey of an artist’s first creation. There is excitement of trying something new but also the lingering self-doubt whether it will be good enough. The journey to perfection is by no means easy. However, there is a beauty in it- trying, falling, learning and trying again.  Here is a quote which sums up the big takeaway-

You have to dig down deep and find the emeralds tucked away inside you… and that’s just the beginning. Once you find your gems you have to polish them. It takes a lot of hard work.”

Seiji’s grandfather, a sagacious friend, agrees that Shizuku’s draft is raw and seems unfinished but she appreciates her effort. He tells her that she’s got the gem and should take her time in polishing it.

It was the first Ghibli movie which was not directed by Miyazaki or Takahata.  It was directed by Yoshifumi Kondล. Sadly, it was the last film ever directed by him. I would have loved to see more of his works.

The movie is set in 1980s but is ever relatable. Be it getting nagged by my parents to study, crushes or thinking what to do with my life. That’s probably because I am a 14-year-old too. Regardless, I thoroughly recommend this movie to all the young artists out there.

The movie also depicts the innocence of first love. I have to come to terms with the fact that it will make me check the library cards whenever I’ll get to visit one! (Covid-19 pandemic๐Ÿ˜’)

Shizuku's version of 'Take me Home, Country Road' by John Denver

The impromptu musical orchestra is one of the pivotal points of the story. We hear Seiji ,his grandfather and friends playing their instruments while Shizuku singing. 

I'm going with ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ.

Here is the link of the song: 

You can watch this movie on Netflix! 

*The review or any part can not be published without permission or else strict action would be taken. 


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Poem : Restless



How stifled I feel

Sitting all day long

In these claustrophobic four walls.

The teacher goes on and on,

With her monotonous monologue

And drowns us in a flood of information

All I do is kick the table

Frustrated, shift my gaze

Away from the laptop screen…

Through the open window,

I stare at the boundless blue

There are some fluffy cotton balls

Drifting like dreamy boats

And then disappearing into the mist

Somewhere far out of sight

They can go where they want.

They can fly as much as they want.

Oh, how envious I am!

Why can’t I run and romp about

Just like I did

When I was a kid?

Those young days are nothing

But distant faded memories

I may be caged

But my friend, not my pen!


 *The review or any part can not be published without permission or else strict action would be taken. 


Saturday, June 5, 2021

Happy World Environment Day!


Reimagine. Recreate. Restore.

Happy World Environment Day! Today marks the beginning of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

Every action we take makes an impact. This environment day, let's take the pledge to revive your Mother Earth.

#save the planet # World environment day# A green day everyday
#generation restoration

An ode to the bench


‘An Ode to the Bench’


(Source: Shutterstock images)

 Oh Bench!  bright and shiny at first

But with years, dusty and shaky.

Scribblings of hearts, names, sums and marks

You have to bear all the follies of the young heart!

 Always choked up with books

And paper chits passed on as pranks.

Someone spills water and you are dripping wet

Someone sick throws up on poor you!

 In the Break , the girls gossip by

They say walls have ears

Don’t they know ,benches too ?

Shh…A secret just  between you and me.

 Weary kids droop and doze off till the next class

Restless feet during boring lectures kick  poor you!

When will they be freed  from  this torture,

And you from their kicks?

The bell rings and the kids flee

To their new found liberty!

They bang their bags and play upbeat drums

And you are left in your solitude, awaiting another school day…


It's been a long time since many of us went to school or maybe years, if you have graduated ! I have written a poem reminiscing school days in the praise of benches.

*The review or any part can not be published without permission or else strict action would be taken. 


'Will you remember me?'

  'Will you remember me?'   Lying on the monsoon grass, Amid the silence of the night I hear clashing and clinking Of the thoughts r...