Sunday, August 29, 2021

Types of Crushes we have had

Types of Crushes we have had

At one point or the other, we come across a certain someone who makes our heart skip a beat or two. You have butterflies in your stomach and the clichéd songs just click. You’ve got a crush! Here are some types of crushes which you may have or (have had).

1.      The First

This is the first-time ever you get a special feeling which you haven’t experienced before💓. May be it is that one person who used to tease you by calling a silly nickname. It got on your nerves but now you laugh at that😂. And no matter how many years pass by, you won’t forget this person, ever!


2.      The Good friend

A crush on a best friend…Oops. You are very good friends and you are happy being friends. Though you wonder what else could you be😊. Whenever, they talk about their crushes, you may get a little jealous but you wouldn’t show it😒. 


3.      The Rival

It can be a rival in school or on the badminton court. This is the person you constantly fight with 😤and are bent on defeating once. Yet, you have to admit that you harbour some feelings though you may disagree with everything else😳! Opposite poles attract…


4.      The Dream one

You are crushing on a character in books (book worms) or in the movies (movie buffs). It’s just that smile that makes you wish that they were real✨. Your wish is granted partially when they come in your dreams!!! Sweet dreams!


5.      The Run-into crush

Wherever you go, to the café or to the swimming pool, this one person shows up there. Is it  just by chance or is the entire universe conspiring something? 😎You want to talk to this person about the coincidences yet you can’t muster up the courage. So, that’ll be that.

All of these have been based on real experiences and accounts narrated to me by some dear friends. 

*No part of the article can be copied. Strict action would be taken against the plagiariser. 





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